Being a mom is one of the most rewarding, challenging, and life-changing experiences a woman can have. From the sleepless nights to the joyful moments of watching your child grow, the journey of motherhood can be both exhilarating and overwhelming.

Whether you have an empowering mindset is singlehandedly one of the most determining factors that impacts your experience as a mom.

As a mindset expert for moms, I’ve worked with thousands of women to navigate the challenges of motherhood. That’s why in this blog post, I’m exploring why developing a positive mindset is crucial for experiencing more confidence and joy as a mom. Whether you’re a new mom or a seasoned one, I hope this post will inspire and guide you towards a more fulfilling and positive experience of motherhood!

Why Mindset Is Important For Moms

Mindset is a buzz word these days, but without understanding why mindset is so important its effectiveness can get lost, which means its impact can, too. That’s why I want to start off sharing five reasons why mindset is life-changing for navigating motherhood.

Having a strong why for doing mindset work will help you make real, life-long changes into a happier and healthier you.

1. Emotional well-being

First, a positive mindset allows you to cultivate emotional resilience and effectively manage stress, anxiety, overwhelm, and mom guilt. This is because thoughts create feelings. What’s happening in your circumstances doesn’t create your feelings (even though it feels like it). Most people (including myself) weren’t taught this growing up, but upon learning it, we soon realize how much control we have over our mental and emotional lives.

With the right mindset tools, you can decrease negative emotions, so that they’re not the main drivers of your experience. Will you ever experience frustration again? Yes. But it won’t be the main driver of your experience as a mom. Instead of being a “frustrated mom” you’ll be a mom who sometimes feels frustrated.

That’s the power of mindset—it directly impacts all your emotions. If you want to feel better, start with managing your mind.


2. Resilience and adaptability

Motherhood often involves unexpected challenges and changes. It’s sink or swim. Developing a resilient mindset empowers you to adapt to new situations, bounce back from setbacks, and navigate the demands of parenthood with grace and flexibility. Mindset work won’t take away your challenges but it will help you better navigate them.

3. Confidence and empowerment

An intentional mindset can boost your confidence so you feel more empowered and make better decisions. It enables you to trust your instincts, think more clearly, and decide more quickly so you can create better results in your life.

Confidence doesn’t come from what you do or the action you take. Confidence is a feeling you create with what you think. Often we look to our past for evidence of what we should be confident about, but with mindset work, you can decide deliberately what you want to be confident about, which will empower you.

For example, if you move your family across the country and you’re unsure about the move, 1) you can doubt yourself, question your decision, ruminate about it, or 2) you can believe that you’ll figure it all out in time, validate your decision, and focus on the present and future. Whether you have a confident mindset determines which option you choose. It’s not the move that determines it; it’s you. That’s mindset.


4. Better parenting

A mindset focused on growth and learning enables you to adopt more effective parenting strategies. It helps you understand and empathize with your children’s needs, promote healthy boundaries, and cultivate a supportive environment for their growth and development.

I am not a parenting expert but I promise you that improving your mindset will positively impact your parenting. When you know how to empower yourself, you show up as a stronger, more loving and connected mom to your kids.

5. Enjoyment of motherhood

Finally, with an intentional mindset, you’ll experience so much more joy and fulfillment in your role as a mom. It allows you to be in the present moment, drop the mom guilt and worrying, and truly enjoy every day life.

For example, one of my client’s was feeling overwhelmed getting out the door with her kids in the morning and it seemed like every morning was a struggle. When she worked on her mindset and managed her brain, she found that everything about her mornings changed. But the truth is that nothing about the mornings actually changed—she had changed the way she viewed the mornings. Said differently, she changed her mindset so her experience of the mornings changed.


How To Get Started With Mindset

Now that you understand the importance of mindset in motherhood, let’s explore the specific steps you can take to cultivate an empowering mindset.

These steps are designed to help you integrate mindset changes into your daily life so you can see the real, life changing impact of mindset work.

1. Positive learning and input

Step one is to embrace a growth mindset by seeking opportunities for personal and professional development. This means prioritizing your learning and positive input. For example, listening to podcasts, reading books, stopping watching the news, and reducing other sources of input (such as how much time you spend on social media) that aren’t serving you.

By reducing negative input and adding positive input, you’ll start to notice changes in the way you think and get a taste of what mindset work is like.

Get started with my podcast (Design Your Dream Life) and my instagram (@nataliebaconcoaching).

2. Noticing your own thoughts

Mindset work requires self-awareness. Specifically, this means becoming mindful of the sentences in your head. It’s a completely different experience from listening to something about mindset. This is actually applying the tools to your life. It’s really taking a look at what your thoughts are and seeing that you are not your thoughts.

To get started with this, take a few moments throughout the day to pause and observe your stream of thoughts without judgment. Notice any recurring negative or self-limiting patterns that arise.

By becoming aware of your thoughts, you can begin to challenge and reframe negative thinking patterns, replacing them with more positive and empowering ones.

This is the work I do with my clients inside the Mom On Purpose Membership.

3. Questioning thoughts that don’t serve you

Questioning thoughts that don’t serve you is the next step to cultivate a positive mindset. Start by identifying any negative or self defeating thoughts that arise throughout your day. Ask yourself, “Is this thought helpful?” and “How does this thought make me feel?” Challenge the validity of these thoughts by examining evidence that supports or contradicts them.

For example, if you catch yourself thinking, “I’m a terrible mom because I can’t do it all,” question that thought. Notice how it makes you feel. Notice it’s just one optional thought out of thousands. Notice that your brain wants to be right about it even though it doesn’t serve you.

By actively questioning and reframing unhelpful thoughts, you can shift your mindset towards more supportive and encouraging beliefs.

4. Creating better feeling thoughts

Once you’ve questioned your current thoughts and “loosened” them up so you’re not so attached to them, then it’s time to create “better feeling thoughts.” There are always hundreds (actually, thousands) of optional thoughts you can think. Your default thoughts that don’t serve you don’t have to be what you think about and focus on.

You can create new thoughts that feel good and true to you to help you shift into a completely different mindset.

By consciously choosing and cultivating better feeling thoughts, you can gradually rewire your mindset to be more positive, resilient, and empowering. Remember, it’s a practice that takes time and consistency, but the impact on your overall well-being as a mom is worth the effort.

5. Surround yourself with supportive, likeminded women

Surrounding yourself with supportive, likeminded women can have a profound impact on your mindset and overall well-being. Seek out communities, groups, or online platforms where you can connect with other moms who share similar values and goals. Engage in conversations, share experiences, and offer support to one another.

These interactions provide a sense of belonging, understanding, and validation, which can help uplift your spirits and provide a support system during challenging times. Additionally, being in the company of likeminded women can inspire you, offer fresh perspectives, and provide insights and strategies for navigating the ups and downs of motherhood. Together, you can encourage each other, share wisdom, and celebrate the joys and accomplishments of being a mom. Remember, you’re not alone on this journey, and surrounding yourself with a supportive community of like-minded women can make a world of difference in your mindset and overall experience of motherhood.

This is what coaching is all about—growing into the woman, wife, and mom you were made to be. If you’re curious if coaching is a good fit for you, join me inside the Mom On Purpose Membership.

A Final Note

Developing an empowered mindset is an ongoing process. It’s like going to the gym. It’s something you need to do for the rest of your life to get the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle. Be patient with yourself and practice self compassion as you embark on this journey of personal growth and transformation. Managing your mind is 100% doable and can change your life. Just keep at it. You got this, mama!