It can feel so overwhelming to juggle all the responsibilities and demands of being a mom, especially if you run a little bit type-A or on the ambitious side. This is why it’s so important to learn how to say no and prioritize your time as a busy mom.

In this post, I’ll guide you through practical strategies and empowering mindset shifts that will help you say no when necessary and reclaim control over your schedule. So, let’s dive in!

Recognize The Power Of Prioritization

When you feel pulled in multiple directions, it’s crucial to remind yourself that you you’re not supposed to do “everything for everyone always.” This is the narrative you’ve been taught and it’s got to stop. Prioritization is key. Start by identifying your core values and what truly matters to you. What brings you joy and fulfillment? Once you have clarity on your priorities, you can make more informed decisions about where to invest your time and energy.


Define Your Non-Negotiables

Take a moment to reflect on what you absolutely do not want to compromise on. These are your non-negotiables. Whether it’s spending quality time with your kids, work, date night, pursuing personal interests, girls’ trips, or daily self-coaching, exercising, etc., these priorities are sacred. By establishing your non-negotiables, you create a foundation for setting boundaries and making choices aligned with what truly matters to you. These non-negotiables can change over time, too, as your family changes and as you change.

Embrace The Power Of Saying No

Saying no can be uncomfortable, especially when you want to please everyone. However, remember that every time you say yes to something that doesn’t align with your priorities, you’re saying no to yourself and your well-being. Practice saying no with grace and confidence. You don’t owe anyone an explanation for your decision. Trust that by honoring your boundaries, you’re taking care of yourself and your family.

Inside the Mom On Purpose Membership, my coaching community for moms, I teach you exactly how to have difficult conversations (and why it’s so hard to stop trying to please everyone). Explore the membership here.

Communicate Effectively

Setting boundaries requires clear communication. When declining an invitation or request, be honest and concise. Express your appreciation for the opportunity, but kindly explain that you’re unable to commit due to your existing priorities. Remember, it’s not about rejecting others; it’s about valuing your time and energy. Open, honest communication fosters understanding and respect in your relationships.

I know this can be challenging to do in practice, but the more you do it, the better at it you’ll get. I promise!


Delegate And Seek Support

As a busy mom, you don’t have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders (although I know it can feel like that sometimes). Delegate tasks and responsibilities to trusted family members, friends, or professionals. Seek support from your spouse, partner, or other parents who understand the challenges you face. Remember, asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. By sharing the load, you free up time for self-care and focus on what truly matters to you.


Practice Self Care

Self care isn’t selfish—it’s essential for your well-being and effectiveness as a mom. Prioritize self care activities that replenish your energy and rejuvenate your spirit. It could be as simple as taking a bubble bath, going for a walk, or indulging in a hobby you enjoy. When you take care of yourself, you’ll have more to give to others. Remember, self-care isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity.

Self Care Resources:

Set Realistic Expectations

We live in a world that glorifies busyness and constantly bombards us with the idea of “doing it all.” It’s important to set realistic expectations for yourself. Accept that you have limitations and embrace imperfection. Remember, it’s better to excel in a few areas than to spread yourself too thin and feel overwhelmed. Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small, and let go of the need for perfection.

Learn To Say Yes To Yourself

Saying no to others means saying yes to yourself and your priorities. It’s easy to fall into the trap of putting everyone else’s needs before your own, but it’s essential to prioritize self-care and self-fulfillment. Saying yes to yourself means giving yourself permission to pursue your passions, invest in personal growth, and honor your well-being.

Practice Assertiveness

Assertiveness is a valuable skill when it comes to setting boundaries. It involves expressing your needs, opinions, and boundaries in a clear and respectful manner. Practice assertive communication by using “I” statements to express how certain situations or requests impact you. For example, instead of saying, “You’re always asking too much of me,” say, “I feel overwhelmed when I take on additional responsibilities.”

Release Guilt And Embrace Empowerment

Guilt often accompanies the act of setting boundaries, especially when it involves saying no to loved ones. However, it’s important to remember that prioritizing your time and well-being is not selfish. Releasing guilt allows you to embrace empowerment and take control of your life. Recognize that by setting boundaries, you’re teaching your children the importance of self-care, self-respect, and healthy relationships.


Create A Supportive Network

Surround yourself with like-minded women who understand the challenges you’re experiencing and value the importance of setting boundaries. Seek out communities, whether in-person or online, where you can connect with other moms who share similar aspirations and struggles. A supportive network can provide encouragement, advice, and accountability as you navigate the journey of setting boundaries. This is the work I teach my clients how to do inside the Mom On Purpose Membership.

Regularly Evaluate And Adjust

Boundaries are not set in stone. As your circumstances change and your priorities evolve, it’s crucial to regularly evaluate and adjust your boundaries. Check in with yourself periodically to ensure that your time and energy align with what truly matters to you. Be flexible and open to modifying your boundaries to accommodate new opportunities or challenges that arise.

A Final Note

Setting boundaries is an act of self-love. By prioritizing your time and energy, you create a life that aligns with your values and aspirations. Remember, it’s not about being supermom or doing it all (which is performative); it’s about living life deliberately so you create the experience you want (and feel good doing it).

Embrace the power of saying no, communicate your needs effectively, and practice self-care unapologetically. As you set boundaries and prioritize your time, you’ll discover a renewed sense of purpose, joy, and fulfillment in both your role as a mom and as an individual. You got this!