Mom On Purpose is my coaching community for women and moms designed to help solve the challenges of modern motherhood from the inside out. It’s a wellness community that focuses on mental and emotional health so you can show up as the woman, wife, and mom you want to be.

As a professionally trained life and mindfulness coach, I’ve had the privilege of coaching thousands of women inside Mom On Purpose. Not only do I use my practices inside the Membership, but first and foremost I am a student of them. I use these tools in my daily life to improve my parenting, my marriage, my relationships, my health, my confidence, my career, and more.

Mom On Purpose With Natalie Bacon

There are so many activities and milestones we’re encouraged to go through from birth through our late twenties. School, sports, college, career, marriage, buying a home, starting a family, and so on. While most people don’t follow this exact path, there is some version of this that is imprinted on us and therefore guides us forward.

Then we hit our 30s, 40s, or 50s and can often feel stunted, stalled, or stuck. The growth has stopped and suddenly without a predesigned destination (other than retirement), we feel like “there must be more.”

That is why I created Mom On Purpose Membership: to fill the gap in personal growth for women and moms who want to continue to grow for the rest of their lives. We often see this type of growth program offered in specific careers with conferences and leadership trainings, but what about in our personal lives? What about for the woman whose life looks amazing on the outside and yet it doesn’t always feel that way on the inside? That is where Mom On Purpose Membership comes in to fill the gap and be the space to grow into your future self on purpose.

The tools inside Mom On Purpose Membership are based on my professional training as well as my own experience personally and coaching thousands of clients over the years.

We spend our whole lives growing and learning (in school, in college, in our careers, in our families) and then we reach a point where the intentional growth tends to stop. This is where you can end up feeling stuck, unfulfilled, and even defeated (often thinking “there has to be more”). That’s what Mom On Purpose Membership is all about. Mental and emotional wellness for the modern mom.

Coaching Vs. Therapy

Coaching is different than therapy.

Personally, I’m a fan of therapy and of whatever tools help. But they’re very different in their application.

Generally speaking, therapy is diagnostic and past focused whereas coaching is present and future focused.

For example, if you’re working through childhood issues or trauma, therapy can be a tool that can help. These are not areas I help with in coaching.

With coaching, I help my clients on present day challenges to help them show up as the woman they want to be.

For example, topics I commonly help clients with include navigating challenging in-law dynamics, stop yelling at your kids, decreasing stress, anxiety, or overwhelm, increasing connection in your marriage, improving work life balance, time management skills, increasing confidence, making better decisions, and finding more fulfillment.

Many of my clients have either outgrown therapy and no longer need it so they find coaching to be their next phase in growth and development, or they use coaching with therapy.

I have many clients who’ve experienced coaching to be the solution they didn’t know existed.

Most Common Topics

I’m so passionate about helping women because I think women take on so much more than they have the capacity for, feeling like they’re constantly too busy, stressed, or overwhelmed to enjoy life. Inside Mom On Purpose Membership, you’ll find topics that reflect this.

For example, here’s a look at some of the classes inside Mom On Purpose Membership:

  • Navigating Challenging Relationships
  • Managing Stress, Anxiety, And Worry
  • How To Love Your Body
  • Becoming More Confident
  • How To Edit Your Life And Declutter
  • Marriage Toolkit
  • Scarcity Vs. Abundant Mindset
  • Productivity And Time Management
  • Perfectionism And People Pleasing
  • Feeling Like You’re A Good Enough Mom
  • Increasing Intimacy In Marriage
  • Reinvent Your Self Identity
  • Cultivating Self Compassion
  • Dreaming Bigger
  • How To Feel Better
  • Self Care On Purpose
  • Rewrite Your Past
  • Create A Better Future

Client Examples

There’s nothing off topic inside Mom On Purpose Membership. It’s a space to feel seen and heard with whatever you’re struggling with.

Here are examples of client challenges that have been coached on:

  • I’m struggling to stop yelling at my kids even though I know better.
  • My husband and I are going through a tough season right now.
  • I feel sensory overload at home with three kids at home every day.
  • It’s challenging balancing work and home life.
  • I want to know how to help my anxious child.
  • I’m a physician and am experiencing health challenges myself.
  • My sister-in-law isn’t nice to me and doesn’t include me in things.
  • I’m struggling to adjust to the new area we moved to.
  • Helping my aging parents is causing so much stress between my siblings and me.
  • I keep overeating and gaining weight even though I’ve tried many diets.
  • My husband doesn’t take his job seriously so there’s a lot of pressure on me.
  • I want more fulfillment now that my kids are in school, and I’m not sure where to start.

Inside Mom On Purpose Membership

What’s unique about Mom On Purpose Membership is how much you get inside the program. It’s like joining a gym with many options, all of which you can choose from. You don’t need to do everything in Mom On Purpose Membership (just like you don’t need to do every piece of equipment in the gym), but you can pick and choose which you like best. This makes it incredibly popular because there’s something for everyone.

Here’s a look at what’s inside Mom On Purpose Membership.

New Class Every Month

Every month, there’s a new class on a personal development topic to help you do this work on an ongoing basis, so the program grows with you.

Every month the topic is different so you get a wide variety of life-changing tools and topics to help empower you to live your best life.

Content Library

Inside Mom On Purpose Membership, there’s a Library with on demand tools and resources that you can use whenever you want.

The Library includes content on anxiety, overwhelm, marriage, motherhood, relationships, time management, confidence, physical health, decluttering, managing a home, money, goal setting, and more.

Here are a few examples of popular courses: 1) Mindful Journaling, 2) Marriage + Relationship Toolkit, 3) Motherhood Toolkit, 4) Change Your Eating Habits Forever, and 5) Processing Feelings.

This Library is there for you to use whenever you want with whatever area of your life you’d like to work on.

24/7 Written Coaching Forum

Inside Mom On Purpose Membership, there’s a written community where you can write in anytime and ask me (Natalie) anything.

You can write in as much as you want, day or night, about any challenges you’re facing or anything you want help working through.

It’s like having a personal coach available to you to answer all your questions at any time—24/7!

Weekly Group Coaching + Replays

Every week, there’s a call you can join to get help with whatever is on your mind.

You don’t need coaching every day, but after 5-7 days, your brain needs it. This is why we offer about 1 call per week. It’s the exact amount of coaching you need to manage your life.

You can attend live (and participate or listen in) or you can watch the replay (that you get within 24 hours of the call).

Most of our members are surprised at how much transformation they experience by listening to the replays. One client said, “I thought it was just my brain that was like this. I had no idea other moms felt this way too. The replays make it the most valuable program for me.”

I (Natalie) do all the coaching inside Mom On Purpose Membership, so you get your questions answered by me. This is unlike other programs out there, where you’re typically getting a very beginner or new coach. I have advanced, mastery level training and experience coaching thousands of clients. And I’m all yours inside this program!

Private Podcast

There’s a Member’s Only Private Podcast.

This is a way for you to access Mom On Purpose Membership conveniently on the go.

This makes Mom On Purpose Membership easy to integrate into your daily life.

The Private Podcast is a positive source of input in your ear when there’s so much negativity in the world. It’s incredibly powerful to program your mind to think in a more helpful way.

Mindful Messages

Every couple of days, you get a Mindful Message from me (Natalie) that will help you navigate challenges in your your life.

These are short, bite-sized thoughts designed to help you start your day off right, in an empowered mindset.

You’ll hear how I’m applying this work in my life, as well as client examples, and new tools to use in your home.

These are uploaded to the Portal and the Private Podcast, making it easy to listen on the go.

Weekly Mantras + Journal Prompts

Every week you get seven new mantras and seven new journal prompts for the week ahead. This will help you keep a more empowered mindset so you can show up more intentionally as a woman, wife, and mom.

With the portal being so easy to use, you can log in daily on your phone and view the mantra of the day and grab the journal prompt to start your day off right. This is so fast, that it makes doing this work possible, even for the busiest of seasons.

Access To Natalie Bacon

Unlike most programs out there, inside Mom On Purpose Membership I do 100% of the coaching. You get complete access to me and can ask me anything in the group coaching setting as well as the written coaching forum. There is an additional option if you’d like to coach privately with me (just like if you joined a gym and wanted to work with a personal trainer). For most members, the group coaching and written coaching is exactly what they need and enjoy.

VIP + Platinum Status

Because most of our members stay for years, we have milestones at six and twelve months. 

After you’ve been in Mom On Purpose Membership for six months, you become VIP, which means you get two additional courses and one additional coaching call every month with other VIPers. The courses are: 1) Becoming Unbusy and 2) How To Teach Your Kids About Thoughts + Feelings.

After you’ve been in Mom On Purpose Membership for one year, you become Platinum. We send you a gift box with goodies, you get access to The Empowered Mom Process Course, as well as getting an additional monthly Platinum call with me (Natalie) and other Platinum members.

The Fine Print

I always want to know the “fine print” when joining any program, so I make sure to disclose all of that to you ahead of time.

First, know that you can cancel any time. And it couldn’t be easier to do. We don’t want you to stay if it’s not a good fit (although most members stay for years). The way to cancel is by going to the Help Page in your Portal and clicking on the Cancellation Form. On the form, you fill in your name and email then click submit. Then you’re never charged again. It’s that easy.

Second, you can let anyone in your family access your membership. If you have a teenage daughter, for example, who wants to use the tools or resources in Mom On Purpose Membership, she’s more than welcome to.

Third, there is a referral program. Because so many of our members refer their friends and family to Mom On Purpose Membership, we make sure to reward you for that. When you refer one member to Mom On Purpose Membership, you get one month free. Refer 10 people and get 10 months free. It’s that easy.

Fourth, you do not need to be a mom to join. While many of our members are moms with family values, there are many members in Mom On Purpose Membership who are not moms, too.

Finally, if you have another question email us at [email protected]. You’ll get a reply within 24 business hours from someone on the team. We’ll always take care of you!

How To Join Mom On Purpose Membership

I’d love to see you inside Mom On Purpose Membership. Head on over to this page to get started today: Join Mom On Purpose Membership.