Hi there!
Do any of these resonate with you...
1. You set goals but don't follow through
You have ideas and goals but actually following through on them doesn't happen.
2. You feel overworked and overwhelmed
You're working hard at home and at work. It's hard to contemplate taking action on your dreams when the day-to-day is so much. You wish you worked less and had more time for what matters most.
3. Sometimes you take action but you don't get the long-term results you want
When you take action, it's usually short-lived because of your circumstances. You start and stop a lot. The long-term result is that you never get to where you really want to be.
4. Life gets in the way of setting and achieving your goals
Sh*t keeps happening in your life that's stopping you from making your dreams a reality.
5. You feel burned out and busy
You are busy and there's not enough hours in the day to work on your goals. If only you needed fewer hours of sleep, you could get everything done. You wish you weren't so burned out.
If this is you, then you're in the right place. I get it.
Hi, I'm Natalie!
I'm a life coach for thousands of women (just like you). I help my clients and students grow by taking what they read in personal development books to the next level.
Dream Year is a taste of what it's like to work with me.
It's a complete book that explains many of my life coaching concepts, such as goal setting with purpose, from the inside out. I show you how to manage your mind, while setting goals, and processing negative emotions.
Instead of rushing and hurrying to set goals, when you feel a little stuck, behind, or overwhelmed, you'll have a clear path to create your dream life from your future using proven methods that work.
If you love personal development and journaling, you're going to love Dream Year.
I made this just for you, my sweet friend.
Dream Year teaches you how to achieve An Extraordinary goal and feel good Along The Way.
You'll Discover...
1. How to set goals the right way
Most goal setting focuses on actions. It teaches you how to take a specific action and get a specific result. The problem is that this doesn't work.
Traditional goal setting doesn't address the thought and feeling work that is required to shift your mindset to one that supports the actions you need to take to get the results you want. This is why you'll often not feel that much better on the other side of achieving your goal.
In Dream Year, I teach you how to adopt new beliefs so you can take action from positive emotions that support your happiness, well-being, and success.
2. How to feel better and what that has to do with goals
I teach you how to manage your mind and emotions. This includes reframing how you think about your circumstances, adopting a mindset of responsibility, and overcoming fear, perfectionism, and people-pleasing (among other things).
My method focuses on practicing happiness now (not when you achieve your goals). You'll learn how to be driven by abundance and positive emotion, instead of negative emotions, like stress, fear, or anxiety.
The result is that you create massive results and are happier along the way because you understand happiness is not on the other side of achieving your goals.
3. My top 17 goal setting tips
I teach you about the 17 skills that will improve your likelihood of success.
These tips including feelings, emotions, planning, commitment, integrity, decision-making, productivity, time management, constraint, discipline, focus, and failure.
You can get better at each of these skills, and when you do, you'll see the results in your life grow exponentially.
4. Workbooks To Help Increase Accountability
Part I of Dream Year is where I teach you how to set goals and feel better.
Part II of Dream Year includes the workbooks you need to take action.
Each workbook includes sections for you to plan your goals, master your mindset, and evaluate your progress along the way.
The workbooks are unlike other goal setting workbooks because they include space for you to work on your thoughts, feelings, and failures.
What's Included
- 100 pages of personal development content
- Part I includes lessons on how to master your mind and achieve your extraordinary goal
- Part II includes workbook templates ever phase of goal setting and evaluating your progress
- There are lessons on thoughts, feelings, actions, failure, planning, time management, productivity, and more
- This is the formula for mastering your mind so you achieve your goals and feel better long-term
- If you want to achieve more and feel better doing it, then this is for you
What You'll Learn
How To Set Goals
How To Feel Better
What Feeling Better Has To Do With Goals
How To Avoid Burnout
Skills To Improve Your Likelihood of Success
Year Workbook Planner
Month Workbook Planner
Week Workbook Planner
Here's A Look Inside...
Who Dream Year Is For
Anyone who wants to feel better on a regular basis
If you think you've been doing everything right, but you still don't feel great on a daily basis, then Dream Year is for you. It will teach you how to feel better on a regular basis so that you come from a place of positive emotion and learn how to manage your mindset.
Anyone who works hard and sets goals
If you are someone who works hard and sets goals, Dream Year is designed for you. This will help you refocus your energy, prioritize, and get greater results while doing less. It's about working smarter, not harder.
Anyone who values personal growth
If you believe that life is about evolving and growing as a person, you are going to love Dream Year. It's a way for you to create a plan for your year so that you get the results you want in your life and grow as a person during the process.