Journaling Practice For Busy Moms

If you find yourself interested in a journaling practice, but have no idea how to fit it into your busy life as a mom, I got you.

I’ve come up with a complete journaling practice for busy moms, making journaling, easier, faster, and more effective than ever before.

Aside from journaling taking time, here’s the other problem with most journaling systems: they focus just on “getting your thoughts onto paper.” Have you ever tried to journal and found yourself feeling worse after? Or maybe more confused? This is why. Journaling just for journaling’s sake can actually create a negative impact on your life.

For example, if you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed, anxious, or worried, and you journal about that, you can make those feelings worse by focusing on them because you’ll amplify them. You don’t have a clear way to solve for your problem, so the journaling makes it worse.

Instead, with my method of journaling, you’ll have a way to journal intentionally, so that you focus on who you want to be as a woman, wife, or mom. This is journaling with a purpose. It will help you actually solve the toughest challenges you’re facing by going inward, using your mindset, and accessing your own wisdom to create solutions.

The best part: it doesn’t take a lot of time. You can journal for about 10 minutes every day, and make huge changes in your life over the course of 90 days. It’s that simple.

For example, let’s say you want to stop yelling at your kids. If you view yourself as “someone who yells at her kids” no matter how many tactics you try, you won’t be able to stop yelling because your identity at your core is aligned with yelling. That’s where journaling comes in. You can journal to change how you see yourself. Instead of reaffirming your old identity, you can create a new identity on purpose, as a mom who knows how to feel her feelings without reacting. By writing for about 10 minutes every day, you’ll start to visualize this new identity. This is how you’ll become someone who doesn’t yell. Of course, it’s not an overnight “quick fix.” Instead, it’ll happen over time, as you journal. Sometimes you’ll yell but your yelling will be significantly reduced, and even better—you’ll learn so much about yourself in the process of making this change.

This method of journaling works for anything. Here are examples of how you can use my journaling method to change your life:

  • Lose weight
  • Stop feeling irritated with your spouse
  • Reduce anxiety and overwhelm
  • Start to enjoy your days, instead of dreading them
  • Change careers
  • Create more fulfillment in your life
  • Have more confidence
  • Deepen your friendships
  • Show up as the mom you want to be

There’s nothing off limits with this method of journaling. If you have a change you want to make—or a desire in your heart—this journaling process will work.

My journal process includes four parts:

  1. First, you identify your current identity (what you’re currently thinking, feeling, and doing).
  2. Second, you use compassion and understanding to be your own best friend and have your back where you are now.
  3. Third, you shift into an empowered mindset by taking emotional responsibility, focusing on what you can control, accepting reality, being solution focused, and being fueled by positive emotions.
  4. Finally, you create your future identity and write as if you are her now.

I call this process Mindful Journaling. It is transformative. It takes you from who you are now to who you want to become in the future. It allows you to create change in your life that’s meaningful and will last.

I created an entire course inside Grow You that shows you how to use Mindful Journaling in your life. You can get this course for just $79.

CLICK HERE to get started with Mindful Journaling.

(Not ready for the course? Get started with a free download of purposeful journal prompts here.)