There is nothing that has influenced my life more than mindset! More specifically than that, the influence that mindset has played in my role as a mom has been exraordinary.

That’s why today I’m sharing my top 10 mindset shifts to help you show up as the mom you want to be.

Most of the work we do inside the Mom On Purpose Membership, my community for moms, is around mindset. The examples below are a taste of what that’s like.



Instead of thinking: 
I have too much on my plate right now.
Try thinking: I was made for this.


Instead of thinking: 
This season of life is just so hard.
Try thinking: This season is hard AND I can do hard things.


Instead of thinking: 
It’s not fair my husband doesn’t help out in the way I need him to.
Try thinking: We each contribute to our household in different ways, and that’s how it’s supposed to be.


Instead of thinking: 
The mornings are such a struggle to get everyone out the door.
Try thinking: When my kids struggle, they’re learning life lessons, and I can show up in a way that’s loving and supportive without mirroring their struggle.


Instead of thinking: 
My sister in law shouldn’t have acted that way—it was really inconsiderate.
Try thinking: I’m sure my sister in law had a good reason for doing what she did.


Instead of thinking: 
I never have any “me time” and it’s exhausting.
Try thinking: I define what “me time” is and I can enjoy alone time in the shower.


Instead of thinking: 
I can’t believe I did that. I know better. My kids deserve better.
Try thinking: I’m half amazing and half mess and that’s how it’s supposed to be. I’m the exact mom my kids are supposed to have.

In my Mom On Purpose Free Course, I teach 4 specific parenting strategies in 4 videos to help you become the mom you want to be. CLICK HERE to sign up for free.


Instead of thinking: 
I have so much mom guilt about taking time for myself.
Try thinking: I’m a human, not a robot. When I do things for myself, I re-energize. This is a good thing and makes me a better woman and mom.


Instead of thinking: 
My anxiety is driving me crazy.
Try thinking: I’m open to feeling all my emotions, including anxiety.


Instead of thinking: 
I try so hard and I’m at my limit. I feel like I’m failing as a mom.
Try thinking: Making mistakes is part of being a mom. I’m trying my best and can do it differently next time.

A Final Note

There’s nothing in your circumstances that you need to learn to manage better.

It’s only your inner world (your mindset and emotions) that needs managing.

Start by shifting your mindset.

These simple shifts are a great place to start to help you feel better from the inside out.